Actor Heath Ledger, who died following a drug overdose earlier this year, will be remembered in an on-screen tribute in his final film, The Dark Knight. The end credits of the Batman Begins sequel will include a farewell note to the 28-year-old who died in January. At the time of his death the Brokeback Mountain star had just completed filming the role of The Joker. Special effects technician, Conway Wickliffe, who was killed in a stunt accident, will also be remembered. The special tribute reads: "In memory of our friends Heath Ledger & Conway Wickliffe." 'Iconic role' The hotly anticipated Dark Knight film also stars Christian Bale as Batman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman. Ledger died from an accidental overdose of six different types of prescription drugs in his New York apartment. In the production notes, British director Christopher Nolan wrote of Ledger: "I needed a phenomenal actor, but he also had to be someone unafraid of taking on su...
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